Prof. Roberto Danovaro
Full professor of Ecology, Former President of the Italian Society of Ecology (SItE) and of the Italian Association of Oceanography and Limnology (AIOL), President of the Zoological Station in Naples, Expert in Marine Ecology. Currently
He is the coordinator of the HORIZON2020 financed programme MERCES. He has been a participant in several EU financed programmes (e,g.. CINCS. BENGAL, MATER, ADIOS. INTERPOL, MEDVEG, COORALZOO, MAP, REFREES, HERMES, SESAME. HERMIONE, MIDAS). In the project DEVOTES (end October 2016) dedicated to the development of new tools for the MSFD, RD coordinated the WP5 dedicated to innovative tools, Editor in Chief of the International journal Chemistry & Ecology (Taylor and Francis Group). Author of 3 books and 232 papers in ISI journals (H: 64 and about 13000 citations; Scholar).
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