Analysis of all scientific publications, national and international reports and grey literature available on the implementation of the MSFD, with special regard to European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC, including reports published by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, STECF), UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention system and its main components, such as MED-POL and REMPEC, GESAMP, the EU Common Fisheries Policy, the Convention of Biological Diversity, the Census of Marine Life, and to the considerable number of Marine Strategy documents published by the Mediterranean coastal countries. Also the national/international documents proposing a revision of MSFD criteria/indicators to the EU commission will be taken into account, with particular focus on those pertaining also to the deep sea. This action specifically aims at delineating the state of knowledge on the i) definition of new or revised criteria/indicators, ii) update the determinations of GES, iii) level of harmonization among Mediterranean countries in the environmental assessment, monitoring programs, procedures and protocols.
Task 1.1. Review of literature on MSFD implementation. Reports, scientific and grey literature will be inspected in order to produce a summary based on the state-of-the-art for the Mediterranean deep sea with the final aim of identifying knowledge gaps, descriptor by descriptor (as lacks of data, indicators, thresholds). Leader: IFREMER, Participants: CNR, CSIC, DFMR, ENEA, TAU, UB, UM, UNIVPM).